heat_template_version: pike description: > MySQL service deployment with pacemaker bundle parameters: DockerMysqlImage: description: image type: string DockerMysqlConfigImage: description: The container image to use for the mysql config_volume type: string EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json MysqlRootPassword: type: string hidden: true default: '' RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json resources: ContainersCommon: type: ../../containers-common.yaml MysqlPuppetBase: type: ../../../../puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml properties: EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData} ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap} DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords} RoleName: {get_param: RoleName} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} outputs: role_data: description: Containerized service MySQL using composable services. value: service_name: {get_attr: [MysqlPuppetBase, role_data, service_name]} config_settings: map_merge: - {get_attr: [MysqlPuppetBase, role_data, config_settings]} - tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle::mysql_docker_image: &mysql_image {get_param: DockerMysqlImage} tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle::control_port: 3123 tripleo.mysql.firewall_rules: '104 mysql galera-bundle': dport: - 873 - 3123 - 3306 - 4444 - 4567 - 4568 - 9200 step_config: "" # BEGIN DOCKER SETTINGS # puppet_config: config_volume: mysql puppet_tags: file # set this even though file is the default step_config: list_join: - "\n" - - "['Mysql_datadir', 'Mysql_user', 'Mysql_database', 'Mysql_grant', 'Mysql_plugin'].each |String $val| { noop_resource($val) }" - "exec {'wait-for-settle': command => '/bin/true' }" - "include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle" config_image: {get_param: DockerMysqlConfigImage} kolla_config: /var/lib/kolla/config_files/mysql.json: command: /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted config_files: - dest: /etc/libqb/force-filesystem-sockets source: /dev/null owner: root perm: '0644' - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/*" dest: "/" merge: true preserve_properties: true docker_config: step_1: mysql_data_ownership: start_order: 0 detach: false image: *mysql_image net: host user: root # Kolla does only non-recursive chown command: ['chown', '-R', 'mysql:', '/var/lib/mysql'] volumes: - /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql mysql_bootstrap: start_order: 1 detach: false image: *mysql_image net: host # Kolla bootstraps aren't idempotent, explicitly checking if bootstrap was done command: ['bash', '-c', 'test -e /var/lib/mysql/mysql || kolla_start'] volumes: &mysql_volumes list_concat: - {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]} - - /var/lib/kolla/config_files/mysql.json:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json - /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/mysql/:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src:ro - /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql environment: - KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS - KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP=True # NOTE(mandre) skip wsrep cluster status check - KOLLA_KUBERNETES=True - list_join: - '=' - - 'DB_ROOT_PASSWORD' - yaql: expression: $.data.passwords.where($ != '').first() data: passwords: - {get_param: MysqlRootPassword} - {get_param: [DefaultPasswords, mysql_root_password]} step_2: mysql_init_bundle: start_order: 1 detach: false net: host user: root command: - '/bin/bash' - '-c' - str_replace: template: list_join: - '; ' - - "cp -a /tmp/puppet-etc/* /etc/puppet; echo '{\"step\": 2}' > /etc/puppet/hieradata/docker.json" - "FACTER_uuid=docker puppet apply --tags file,file_line,concat,augeas,TAGS -v -e 'CONFIG'" params: TAGS: 'pacemaker::resource::bundle,pacemaker::property,pacemaker::resource::ocf,pacemaker::constraint::order,pacemaker::constraint::colocation,galera_ready,mysql_database,mysql_grant,mysql_user' CONFIG: 'include ::tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker;include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle' image: *mysql_image volumes: - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /etc/puppet:/tmp/puppet-etc:ro - /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules:/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules:ro - /etc/corosync/corosync.conf:/etc/corosync/corosync.conf:ro - /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw - /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:rw host_prep_tasks: - name: create /var/lib/mysql file: path: /var/lib/mysql state: directory upgrade_tasks: - name: get bootstrap nodeid tags: common command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid register: bootstrap_node - name: set is_bootstrap_node fact tags: common set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}} - name: Disable the galera cluster resource tags: step2 pacemaker_resource: resource: galera state: disable wait_for_resource: true when: is_bootstrap_node - name: Delete the stopped galera cluster resource. tags: step2 pacemaker_resource: resource: galera state: delete wait_for_resource: true when: is_bootstrap_node - name: Disable mysql service tags: step2 service: name=mariadb enabled=no - name: Remove clustercheck service from xinetd tags: step2 file: state=absent path=/etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor - name: Restart xinetd service after clustercheck removal tags: step2 service: name=xinetd state=restarted