heat_template_version: pike description: > Ceph base service. Shared by all Ceph services. parameters: ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json CephAnsibleWorkflowName: type: string description: Name of the Mistral workflow to execute default: tripleo.storage.v1.ceph-install CephAnsiblePlaybook: type: string description: Path to the ceph-ansible playbook to execute default: /usr/share/ceph-ansible/site-docker.yml.sample CephAnsibleExtraConfig: type: json description: Extra vars for the ceph-ansible playbook default: {} CephClusterFSID: type: string description: The Ceph cluster FSID. Must be a UUID. CephPoolDefaultPgNum: description: default pg_num to use for the RBD pools type: number default: 32 CephPools: description: > It can be used to override settings for one of the predefined pools, or to create additional ones. Example: { "volumes": { "size": 5, "pg_num": 128, "pgp_num": 128 } } default: {} type: json CinderRbdPoolName: default: volumes type: string CinderBackupRbdPoolName: default: backups type: string GlanceRbdPoolName: default: images type: string GnocchiRbdPoolName: default: metrics type: string NovaRbdPoolName: default: vms type: string CephClientKey: description: The Ceph client key. Can be created with ceph-authtool --gen-print-key. Currently only used for external Ceph deployments to create the openstack user keyring. type: string hidden: true CephClientUserName: default: openstack type: string CephPoolDefaultSize: description: default minimum replication for RBD copies type: number default: 3 CephIPv6: default: False type: boolean DockerCephDaemonImage: description: image type: string default: 'ceph/daemon:tag-build-master-jewel-centos-7' conditions: custom_registry_host: yaql: data: {get_param: DockerCephDaemonImage} expression: $.data.split('/')[0].matches('(\.|:)') resources: DockerImageUrlParts: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: host: if: - custom_registry_host - yaql: expression: let(location => $.data.rightSplit(':', 1)[0]) -> regex('(?:https?://)?(.*)/').split($location)[1] data: {get_param: DockerCephDaemonImage} - docker.io image: if: - custom_registry_host - yaql: expression: let(location => $.data.rightSplit(':', 1)[0]) -> regex('(?:https?://)?(.*)/').split($location)[2] data: {get_param: DockerCephDaemonImage} - yaql: expression: $.data.rightSplit(':', 1)[0] data: {get_param: DockerCephDaemonImage} image_tag: yaql: expression: $.data.rightSplit(':', 1)[1] data: {get_param: DockerCephDaemonImage} outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Ceph base service. value: service_name: ceph_base upgrade_tasks: [] step_config: '' puppet_config: config_image: '' config_volume: '' step_config: '' docker_config: {} service_workflow_tasks: step2: - name: ceph_base_ansible_workflow workflow: { get_param: CephAnsibleWorkflowName } input: ceph_ansible_extra_vars: {get_param: CephAnsibleExtraConfig} ceph_ansible_playbook: {get_param: CephAnsiblePlaybook} config_settings: ceph_common_ansible_vars: fsid: { get_param: CephClusterFSID } docker: true ceph_docker_registry: {get_attr: [DockerImageUrlParts, value, host]} ceph_docker_image: {get_attr: [DockerImageUrlParts, value, image]} ceph_docker_image_tag: {get_attr: [DockerImageUrlParts, value, image_tag]} containerized_deployment: true public_network: {get_param: [ServiceData, net_cidr_map, {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, CephMonNetwork]}]} cluster_network: {get_param: [ServiceData, net_cidr_map, {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, CephClusterNetwork]}]} user_config: true ceph_stable: true ceph_origin: distro openstack_config: true openstack_pools: list_concat: - repeat: template: name: <%pool%> pg_num: {get_param: CephPoolDefaultPgNum} rule_name: "" for_each: <%pool%>: - {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName} - {get_param: CinderBackupRbdPoolName} - {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName} - {get_param: GlanceRbdPoolName} - {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName} - repeat: template: name: <%pool%> pg_num: {get_param: CephPoolDefaultPgNum} rule_name: "" for_each: <%pool%>: {get_param: CephPools} openstack_keys: &openstack_keys - name: list_join: - '.' - - client - {get_param: CephClientUserName} key: {get_param: CephClientKey} mon_cap: "allow r" osd_cap: str_replace: template: "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=CINDER_POOL, allow rwx pool=CINDERBACKUP_POOL, allow rwx pool=NOVA_POOL, allow rwx pool=GLANCE_POOL, allow rwx pool=GNOCCHI_POOL" params: NOVA_POOL: {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName} CINDER_POOL: {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName} CINDERBACKUP_POOL: {get_param: CinderBackupRbdPoolName} GLANCE_POOL: {get_param: GlanceRbdPoolName} GNOCCHI_POOL: {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName} acls: - "u:glance:r--" - "u:nova:r--" - "u:cinder:r--" - "u:gnocchi:r--" keys: *openstack_keys pools: [] ceph_conf_overrides: global: osd_pool_default_size: {get_param: CephPoolDefaultSize} osd_pool_default_pg_num: {get_param: CephPoolDefaultPgNum} ntp_service_enabled: false generate_fsid: false ip_version: if: - {get_param: CephIPv6} - ipv6 - ipv4