heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: > OpenStack hypervisor node. Can be wrapped in a ResourceGroup for scaling. parameters: AdminPassword: default: unset description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc. type: string hidden: true CeilometerComputeAgent: description: Indicates whether the Compute agent is present and expects nova-compute to be configured accordingly type: string default: '' constraints: - allowed_values: ['', Present] CeilometerDSN: type: string CeilometerMeteringSecret: default: unset description: Secret shared by the ceilometer services. type: string hidden: true CeilometerPassword: default: unset description: The password for the ceilometer service account. type: string hidden: true Debug: default: '' description: Set to True to enable debugging on all services. type: string ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Additional configuration to inject into the cluster. The JSON should have the following structure: {"FILEKEY": {"config": [{"section": "SECTIONNAME", "values": [{"option": "OPTIONNAME", "value": "VALUENAME" } ] } ] } } For instance: {"nova": {"config": [{"section": "default", "values": [{"option": "force_config_drive", "value": "always" } ] }, {"section": "cells", "values": [{"option": "driver", "value": "nova.cells.rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver" } ] } ] } } type: json Flavor: description: Flavor for the nova compute node type: string default: baremetal GlanceHost: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug GlancePort: default: "9292" description: Glance port. type: string GlanceProtocol: default: http description: Protocol to use when connecting to glance, set to https for SSL. type: string Image: type: string default: overcloud-compute ImageUpdatePolicy: default: 'REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL' description: What policy to use when reconstructing instances. REBUILD for rebuilds, REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL to preserve /mnt. type: string KeyName: description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances type: string default: default KeystoneHost: type: string default: '' LiveUpdateComputeImage: type: string description: The image ID for live-updates to the overcloud compute nodes. default: '' LiveUpdateHost: type: string description: The IP address for the undercloud Glance API. default: '' LiveUpdatePassword: type: string default: '' description: The live-update password for the undercloud Glance API. hidden: true LiveUpdateTenantName: type: string description: The live-update tenant name for the undercloud Glance API. default: '' LiveUpdateUserName: type: string description: The live-update username for the undercloud Glance API. default: '' NeutronBridgeMappings: description: > The OVS logical->physical bridge mappings to use. See the Neutron documentation for details. Defaults to mapping br-ex - the external bridge on hosts - to a physical name 'datacentre' which can be used to create provider networks (and we use this for the default floating network) - if changing this either use different post-install network scripts or be sure to keep 'datacentre' as a mapping network name. type: string default: "" NeutronDSN: type: string NeutronEnableTunnelling: type: string default: "True" NeutronFlatNetworks: type: string default: '' description: > If set, flat networks to configure in neutron plugins. NeutronHost: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug NeutronNetworkType: type: string description: The tenant network type for Neutron, either gre or vxlan. default: 'gre' NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: default: 'datacentre' description: > The Neutron ML2 and OpenVSwitch vlan mapping range to support. See the Neutron documentation for permitted values. Defaults to permitting any VLAN on the 'datacentre' physical network (See NeutronBridgeMappings). type: string NeutronPassword: default: unset description: The password for the neutron service account, used by neutron agents. type: string hidden: true NeutronPhysicalBridge: default: '' description: An OVS bridge to create for accessing external networks. type: string NeutronPublicInterface: default: '' description: A port to add to the NeutronPhysicalBridge. type: string NeutronTunnelTypes: type: string description: | The tunnel types for the Neutron tenant network. To specify multiple values, use a comma separated string, like so: 'gre,vxlan' default: 'gre' NovaApiHost: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug NovaComputeDriver: type: string default: libvirt.LibvirtDriver NovaComputeExtraConfig: default: {} description: | NovaCompute specific configuration to inject into the cluster. Same structure as ExtraConfig. type: json NovaComputeLibvirtType: type: string default: '' NovaDSN: type: string NovaPassword: default: unset description: The password for the nova service account, used by nova-api. type: string hidden: true NovaPublicIP: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug NtpServer: type: string default: '' RabbitHost: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug RabbitPassword: default: guest description: The password for RabbitMQ type: string hidden: true RabbitUserName: default: guest description: The username for RabbitMQ type: string SnmpdReadonlyUserName: default: ro_snmp_user description: The user name for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes type: string SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword: default: unset description: The user password for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes type: string hidden: true resources: NovaCompute: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: {get_param: Image} image_update_policy: get_param: ImageUpdatePolicy flavor: {get_param: Flavor} key_name: {get_param: KeyName} networks: - network: ctlplane user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG NovaComputeConfig: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: nova: compute_driver: { get_input: nova_compute_driver } compute_libvirt_type: { get_input: nova_compute_libvirt_type } db: {get_input: nova_dsn} debug: {get_param: Debug} host: {get_input: nova_api_host} public_ip: {get_input: nova_public_ip} service-password: {get_input: nova_password} ceilometer: db: {get_input: ceilometer_dsn} debug: {get_param: Debug} metering_secret: {get_input: ceilometer_metering_secret} service-password: {get_input: ceilometer_password} compute_agent: {get_input: ceilometer_compute_agent} snmpd: export_MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB readonly_user_name: {get_input: snmpd_readonly_user_name} readonly_user_password: {get_input: snmpd_readonly_user_password} glance: debug: {get_param: Debug} host: {get_input: glance_host} port: {get_input: glance_port} protocol: {get_input: glance_protocol} keystone: debug: {get_param: Debug} host: {get_input: keystone_host} neutron: debug: {get_param: Debug} flat-networks: {get_input: neutron_flat_networks} host: {get_input: neutron_host} ovs_db: {get_input: neutron_dsn} ovs: local_ip: {get_input: neutron_local_ip} tenant_network_type: {get_input: neutron_tenant_network_type} tunnel_types: {get_input: neutron_tunnel_types} network_vlan_ranges: {get_input: neutron_network_vlan_ranges} bridge_mappings: {get_input: neutron_bridge_mappings} enable_tunneling: {get_input: neutron_enable_tunneling} physical_bridge: {get_input: neutron_physical_bridge} public_interface: {get_input: neutron_public_interface} service-password: {get_input: neutron_password} admin-password: {get_input: admin_password} rabbit: host: {get_input: rabbit_host} username: {get_input: rabbit_username} password: {get_input: rabbit_password} live-update: host: {get_input: live_update_host} username: {get_input: live_update_username} password: {get_input: live_update_password} tenant-name: {get_input: live_update_tenant_name} base_image_id: {get_input: nova_image} live_update_image_id: {get_input: live_update_compute_image} ntp: servers: - {server: {get_input: ntp_server}, fudge: "stratum 0"} NovaComputeDeployment: type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL config: {get_resource: NovaComputeConfig} server: {get_resource: NovaCompute} input_values: nova_compute_driver: {get_param: NovaComputeDriver} nova_compute_libvirt_type: {get_param: NovaComputeLibvirtType} nova_dsn: {get_param: NovaDSN} nova_public_ip: {get_param: NovaPublicIP} nova_api_host: {get_param: NovaApiHost} nova_password: {get_param: NovaPassword} ceilometer_dsn: {get_param: CeilometerDSN} ceilometer_metering_secret: {get_param: CeilometerMeteringSecret} ceilometer_password: {get_param: CeilometerPassword} ceilometer_compute_agent: {get_param: CeilometerComputeAgent} snmpd_readonly_user_name: {get_param: SnmpdReadonlyUserName} snmpd_readonly_user_password: {get_param: SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword} glance_host: {get_param: GlanceHost} glance_port: {get_param: GlancePort} glance_protocol: {get_param: GlanceProtocol} keystone_host: {get_param: KeystoneHost} neutron_flat_networks: {get_param: NeutronFlatNetworks} neutron_host: {get_param: NeutronHost} neutron_dsn: {get_param: NeutronDSN} neutron_local_ip: {get_attr: [NovaCompute, networks, ctlplane, 0]} neutron_tenant_network_type: {get_param: NeutronNetworkType} neutron_tunnel_types: {get_param: NeutronTunnelTypes} neutron_network_vlan_ranges: {get_param: NeutronNetworkVLANRanges} neutron_bridge_mappings: {get_param: NeutronBridgeMappings} neutron_enable_tunneling: {get_param: NeutronEnableTunnelling} neutron_physical_bridge: {get_param: NeutronPhysicalBridge} neutron_public_interface: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterface} neutron_password: {get_param: NeutronPassword} admin_password: {get_param: AdminPassword} rabbit_host: {get_param: RabbitHost} rabbit_username: {get_param: RabbitUserName} rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword} live_update_host: {get_param: LiveUpdateHost} live_update_username: {get_param: LiveUpdateUserName} live_update_password: {get_param: LiveUpdatePassword} live_update_tenant_name: {get_param: LiveUpdateTenantName} nova_image: {get_param: Image} live_update_image_id: {get_param: LiveUpdateComputeImage} ntp_server: {get_param: NtpServer} NovaComputePassthrough: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: {get_input: passthrough_config} NovaComputePassthroughSpecific: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: {get_input: passthrough_config_specific} NovaComputePassthroughDeployment: depends_on: [NovaComputeDeployment] type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: config: {get_resource: NovaComputePassthrough} server: {get_resource: NovaCompute} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: passthrough_config: {get_param: ExtraConfig} NovaComputePassthroughDeploymentSpecific: depends_on: [NovaComputePassthroughDeployment] type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: config: {get_resource: NovaComputePassthroughSpecific} server: {get_resource: NovaCompute} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: passthrough_config_specific: {get_param: NovaComputeExtraConfig} outputs: ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the ctlplane network value: {get_attr: [NovaCompute, networks, ctlplane, 0]} hostname: description: Hostname of the server value: {get_attr: [NovaCompute, name]} hosts_entry: description: > Server's IP address and hostname in the /etc/hosts format value: str_replace: template: "IP HOST HOST.novalocal" params: IP: {get_attr: [NovaCompute, networks, ctlplane, 0]} HOST: {get_attr: [NovaCompute, name]} nova_server_resource: description: Heat resource handle for the Nova compute server value: {get_resource: NovaCompute}