heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > HOT template to created resources deployed by scenario001. parameters: key_name: type: string description: Name of keypair to assign to servers default: 'pingtest_key' image: type: string description: Name of image to use for servers default: 'pingtest_image' public_net_name: type: string default: 'nova' description: > ID or name of public network for which floating IP addresses will be allocated private_net_name: type: string description: Name of private network to be created default: 'default-net' private_net_cidr: type: string description: Private network address (CIDR notation) default: '' private_net_gateway: type: string description: Private network gateway address default: '' private_net_pool_start: type: string description: Start of private network IP address allocation pool default: '' private_net_pool_end: type: string default: '' description: End of private network IP address allocation pool resources: key_pair: type: OS::Nova::KeyPair properties: save_private_key: true name: {get_param: key_name } private_net: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: { get_param: private_net_name } private_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: network_id: { get_resource: private_net } cidr: { get_param: private_net_cidr } gateway_ip: { get_param: private_net_gateway } allocation_pools: - start: { get_param: private_net_pool_start } end: { get_param: private_net_pool_end } router: type: OS::Neutron::Router properties: external_gateway_info: network: { get_param: public_net_name } router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router_id: { get_resource: router } subnet_id: { get_resource: private_subnet } volume1: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: Volume1 image: { get_param: image } size: 1 server1: type: OS::Nova::Server depends_on: volume1 properties: name: Server1 block_device_mapping: - device_name: vda volume_id: { get_resource: volume1 } flavor: { get_resource: test_flavor } key_name: { get_resource: key_pair } networks: - port: { get_resource: server1_port } server1_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network_id: { get_resource: private_net } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_resource: private_subnet } security_groups: [{ get_resource: server_security_group }] server1_floating_ip: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP # TODO: investigate why we need this depends_on and if we could # replace it by router_id with get_resource: router_interface depends_on: router_interface properties: floating_network: { get_param: public_net_name } port_id: { get_resource: server1_port } server_security_group: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: Add security group rules for server name: pingtest-security-group rules: - remote_ip_prefix: protocol: tcp port_range_min: 22 port_range_max: 22 - remote_ip_prefix: protocol: icmp test_flavor: type: OS::Nova::Flavor properties: ram: 512 vcpus: 1 # Disabling this resource now # https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1646506 # gnocchi_res_alarm: # type: OS::Aodh::GnocchiResourcesAlarm # properties: # description: Do stuff with gnocchi # metric: cpu_util # aggregation_method: mean # granularity: 60 # evaluation_periods: 1 # threshold: 50 # alarm_actions: [] # resource_type: instance # resource_id: { get_resource: server1 } # comparison_operator: gt asg: type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup properties: max_size: 5 min_size: 1 resource: type: OS::Heat::RandomString scaleup_policy: type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy properties: adjustment_type: change_in_capacity auto_scaling_group_id: {get_resource: asg} cooldown: 0 scaling_adjustment: 1 alarm: type: OS::Aodh::Alarm properties: description: Scale-up if the average CPU > 50% for 1 minute meter_name: test_meter statistic: count comparison_operator: ge threshold: 1 period: 60 evaluation_periods: 1 alarm_actions: - {get_attr: [scaleup_policy, alarm_url]} matching_metadata: metadata.metering.stack_id: {get_param: "OS::stack_id"} outputs: server1_private_ip: description: IP address of server1 in private network value: { get_attr: [ server1, first_address ] } server1_public_ip: description: Floating IP address of server1 in public network value: { get_attr: [ server1_floating_ip, floating_ip_address ] } asg_size: value: {get_attr: [asg, current_size]}