# # Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe 'tripleo::profile::base::nova' do shared_examples_for 'tripleo::profile::base::nova' do context 'with step less than 3' do let(:params) { { :step => 1, :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo' } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::cache') } end context 'with step 3 on bootstrap node' do let(:params) { { :step => 3, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_username => 'nova', :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => 'rabbit://nova:foo@localhost:5672/?ssl=0' ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache').with( :enabled => true, :backend => 'oslo_cache.memcache_pool', :memcache_servers => [''] ) } end context 'with step 3 not on bootstrap node' do let(:params) { { :step => 3, :bootstrap_node => 'other.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo' } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::placement') } end context 'with step 4' do let(:params) { { :step => 4, :bootstrap_node => 'other.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to_not contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt') is_expected.to_not contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys') is_expected.to_not contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity') } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt' do let(:pre_condition) { 'include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services' } let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'ssh', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled] ) is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => '# Migration over SSH disabled by TripleO', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => '# Migration over SSH disabled by TripleO', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/sbin/nologin' ) } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt TLS' do let(:pre_condition) { 'include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services' } let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :libvirt_tls => true, } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'tls', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled], ) is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => '# Migration over SSH disabled by TripleO', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => '# Migration over SSH disabled by TripleO', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/sbin/nologin' ) } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt and migration ssh key' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eof include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services class { '::ssh::server': storeconfigs_enabled => false, options => {} } eof end let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :migration_ssh_key => { 'private_key' => 'foo', 'public_key' => 'ssh-rsa bar'} } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'ssh', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled] ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration allow').with( :type => 'User', :name => 'nova_migration', :options => { 'ForceCommand' => '/bin/nova-migration-wrapper', 'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 'AllowTcpForwarding' => 'no', 'X11Forwarding' => 'no', 'AuthorizedKeysFile' => '/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys' } ) is_expected.to_not contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration deny') is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => 'ssh-rsa bar', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => 'foo', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/bin/bash' ) } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt and migration ssh key and migration_ssh_localaddrs' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eof include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services class { '::ssh::server': storeconfigs_enabled => false, options => {} } eof end let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :migration_ssh_key => { 'private_key' => 'foo', 'public_key' => 'ssh-rsa bar'}, :migration_ssh_localaddrs => ['', ''] } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'ssh', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled] ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration allow').with( :type => 'LocalAddress, User', :name => 'nova_migration', :options => { 'ForceCommand' => '/bin/nova-migration-wrapper', 'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 'AllowTcpForwarding' => 'no', 'X11Forwarding' => 'no', 'AuthorizedKeysFile' => '/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys' } ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration deny').with( :type => 'LocalAddress', :name => '!,!', :options => { 'DenyUsers' => 'nova_migration' } ) is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => 'ssh-rsa bar', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => 'foo', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/bin/bash' ) } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt and migration ssh key and invalid migration_ssh_localaddrs' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eof include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services class { '::ssh::server': storeconfigs_enabled => false, options => {} } eof end let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :migration_ssh_key => { 'private_key' => 'foo', 'public_key' => 'ssh-rsa bar'}, :migration_ssh_localaddrs => ['', ''] } } it { is_expected.to_not compile } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt and migration ssh key and duplicate migration_ssh_localaddrs' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eof include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services class { '::ssh::server': storeconfigs_enabled => false, options => {} } eof end let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :migration_ssh_key => { 'private_key' => 'foo', 'public_key' => 'ssh-rsa bar'}, :migration_ssh_localaddrs => ['', ''] } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'ssh', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled] ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration allow').with( :type => 'LocalAddress User', :name => 'nova_migration', :options => { 'ForceCommand' => '/bin/nova-migration-wrapper', 'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 'AllowTcpForwarding' => 'no', 'X11Forwarding' => 'no', 'AuthorizedKeysFile' => '/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys' } ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration deny').with( :type => 'LocalAddress', :name => '!', :options => { 'DenyUsers' => 'nova_migration' } ) is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => 'ssh-rsa bar', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => 'foo', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/bin/bash' ) } end context 'with step 4 with libvirt TLS and migration ssh key' do let(:pre_condition) do <<-eof include ::nova::compute::libvirt::services class { '::ssh::server': storeconfigs_enabled => false, options => {} } eof end let(:params) { { :step => 4, :libvirt_enabled => true, :manage_migration => true, :nova_compute_enabled => true, :bootstrap_node => 'node.example.com', :oslomsg_rpc_hosts => [ 'localhost' ], :oslomsg_rpc_password => 'foo', :libvirt_tls => true, :migration_ssh_key => { 'private_key' => 'foo', 'public_key' => 'ssh-rsa bar'} } } it { is_expected.to contain_class('tripleo::profile::base::nova') is_expected.to contain_class('nova').with( :default_transport_url => /.+/, :notification_transport_url => /.+/, :nova_public_key => nil, :nova_private_key => nil, ) is_expected.to contain_class('nova::config') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::placement') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::cache') is_expected.to contain_class('nova::migration::libvirt').with( :transport => 'tls', :configure_libvirt => params[:libvirt_enabled], :configure_nova => params[:nova_compute_enabled] ) is_expected.to contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration allow').with( :type => 'User', :name => 'nova_migration', :options => { 'ForceCommand' => '/bin/nova-migration-wrapper', 'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 'AllowTcpForwarding' => 'no', 'X11Forwarding' => 'no', 'AuthorizedKeysFile' => '/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys' } ) is_expected.to_not contain_ssh__server__match_block('nova_migration deny') is_expected.to contain_package('openstack-nova-migration').with( :ensure => 'present' ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys').with( :content => 'ssh-rsa bar', :mode => '0640', :owner => 'root', :group => 'nova_migration', ) is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nova/migration/identity').with( :content => 'foo', :mode => '0600', :owner => 'nova', :group => 'nova', ) is_expected.to contain_user('nova_migration').with( :shell => '/bin/bash' ) } end end on_supported_os.each do |os, facts| context "on #{os}" do let(:facts) do facts.merge({ :hostname => 'node.example.com' }) end it_behaves_like 'tripleo::profile::base::nova' end end end