--- features: - | Enable innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit configuration for Galera only. upgrade: - | Setting the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit flag to the value of "2" instead of its default value of "1" means that the underlying MySQL/MariaDB engine will no longer flush transactions to disk on a per-transaction basis; instead, flushes occur once per second. This leads to far fewer disk writes and can dramatically improve write performance, at the cost of durability (e.g. will lose the last second's worth of transactions) if the database engine is ungracefully shut down. The clustered nature of Galera mitigates this risk in that transactions are replicated to other nodes before completion, and the setting of "2" is considered to be generally safe for a Galera cluster, with the exception case of simultaneous power loss for all nodes.