# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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# == Class: tripleo::profile::base::qdr
# Qpid dispatch router profile for tripleo
# === Parameters
# [*qdr_username*]
#   Username for the qrouter daemon
#   Defaults to undef
# [*qdr_password*]
#   Password for the qrouter daemon
#   Defaults to undef
# [*qdr_listener_port*]
#   Port for the listener (not that we do not use qdr::listener_port
#   directly because it requires a string and we have a number.
#   Defaults to hiera('tripleo::profile::base::qdr::qdr_listener_port', 5672)
# [*step*]
#   (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
#   for more details.
#   Defaults to hiera('step')
class tripleo::profile::base::qdr (
  $qdr_username      = undef,
  $qdr_password      = undef,
  $qdr_listener_port = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::qdr::qdr_listener_port', 5672),
  $step              = hiera('step'),
) {
  if $step >= 1 {
    class { '::qdr':
      listener_port => "${qdr_listener_port}",
    } ->
    qdr_user { $qdr_username:
      ensure   => present,
      password => $qdr_password,