# This class installs and configures Opencontrail Neutron Plugin.
# === Parameters
# [*admin_password*]
#  (optional) admin password
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::admin_password')
# [*admin_tenant_name*]
#  (optional) admin tenant name.
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::admin_tenant_name')
# [*admin_token*]
#  (optional) admin token
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::admin_token')
# [*admin_user*]
#  (optional) admin user name.
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::admin_user')
# [*api_port*]
#  (optional) port of api server
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::api_port')
# [*api_server*]
#  (optional) IP address of api server
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail_config_vip')
# [*auth_host*]
#  (optional) keystone server ip address
#  String (IPv4) value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::auth_host')
# [*auth_port*]
#  (optional) keystone port.
#  Integer value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::auth_port')
# [*auth_port_ssl*]
#  (optional) keystone ssl port.
#  Integer value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::auth_port_ssl')
# [*auth_protocol*]
#  (optional) authentication protocol.
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::auth_protocol')
# [*ca_file*]
#  (optional) ca file name
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::service_certificate',false)
# [*cert_file*]
#  (optional) cert file name
#  String value.
#  Defaults to hiera('contrail::service_certificate',false)
# [*contrail_extensions*]
#   Array of OpenContrail extensions to be supported
#   Defaults to $::os_service_default
#   Example:
#     class {'neutron::plugins::opencontrail' :
#       contrail_extensions => ['ipam:neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.contrail_plugin_ipam.NeutronPluginContrailIpam']
#     }
# [*package_ensure*]
#   (optional) Ensure state for package.
#   Defaults to 'present'.
# [*purge_config*]
#   (optional) Whether to set only the specified config options
#   in the opencontrail config.
#   Defaults to false.
class tripleo::network::contrail::neutron_plugin (
  $admin_password      = hiera('contrail::admin_password'),
  $admin_tenant_name   = hiera('contrail::admin_tenant_name'),
  $admin_token         = hiera('contrail::admin_token'),
  $admin_user          = hiera('contrail::admin_user'),
  $api_port            = hiera('contrail::api_port'),
  $api_server          = hiera('contrail_config_vip'),
  $auth_host           = hiera('contrail::auth_host'),
  $auth_port           = hiera('contrail::auth_port'),
  $auth_port_ssl       = hiera('contrail::auth_port_ssl'),
  $auth_protocol       = hiera('contrail::auth_protocol'),
  $ca_file             = hiera('tripleo::haproxy::service_certificate',false),
  $cert_file           = hiera('tripleo::haproxy::service_certificate',false),
  $contrail_extensions = hiera('contrail::vrouter::contrail_extensions'),
  $package_ensure      = 'present',
  $purge_config        = false,
) {

  include ::neutron::deps
  include ::neutron::params


  package { 'neutron-plugin-contrail':
    ensure => $package_ensure,
    name   => $::neutron::params::opencontrail_plugin_package,
    tag    => ['neutron-package', 'openstack'],
  package {'python-contrail':
    ensure => installed,

  ensure_resource('file', '/etc/neutron/plugins/opencontrail', {
    ensure => directory,
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'neutron',
    mode   => '0640'}

  if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
    file_line { '/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG':
      path  => '/etc/default/neutron-server',
      match => '^NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=(.*)$',
      line  => "NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=${::neutron::params::opencontrail_config_file}",
      tag   => 'neutron-file-line',

  if $::osfamily == 'Redhat' {
    file { '/etc/neutron/plugin.ini':
      ensure  => link,
      target  => $::neutron::params::opencontrail_config_file,
      require => Package[$::neutron::params::opencontrail_plugin_package],
      tag     => 'neutron-config-file',
    $api_paste_config_file = '/usr/share/neutron/api-paste.ini'
  ini_setting { 'filter:user_token':
    ensure  => present,
    path    => $api_paste_config_file,
    section => 'filter:user_token',
    setting => 'paste.filter_factory',
    value   => 'neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.neutron_middleware:token_factory',
  ini_setting { 'composite:neutronapi_v2_0':
    ensure  => present,
    path    => $api_paste_config_file,
    section => 'composite:neutronapi_v2_0',
    setting => 'keystone',
    value   => 'user_token cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0',
  resources { 'neutron_plugin_opencontrail':
    purge => $purge_config,

  exec { 'add neutron user to haproxy group':
    command => '/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G haproxy neutron',

  if $auth_protocol == 'https' {
    $auth_url = join([$auth_protocol,'://',$auth_host,':',$auth_port_ssl,'/v2.0'])
    neutron_plugin_opencontrail {
      'APISERVER/api_server_ip':           value => $api_server;
      'APISERVER/api_server_port':         value => $api_port;
      'APISERVER/contrail_extensions':     value => join($contrail_extensions, ',');
      'KEYSTONE/auth_url':                 value => $auth_url;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_user' :              value => $admin_user;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_tenant_name':        value => $admin_tenant_name;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_password':           value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_token':              value => $admin_token, secret =>true;
      'KEYSTONE/cafile':                   value => $ca_file;
      'KEYSTONE/certfile':                 value => $cert_file;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_user':     value => $admin_user;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant':   value => $admin_tenant_name;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_host':      value => $auth_host;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol':  value => $auth_protocol;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_port':      value => $auth_port_ssl;
      'keystone_authtoken/cafile':         value => $ca_file;
      'keystone_authtoken/certfile':       value => $cert_file;
  } else {
    $auth_url = join([$auth_protocol,'://',$auth_host,':',$auth_port,'/v2.0'])
    neutron_plugin_opencontrail {
      'APISERVER/api_server_ip':           value => $api_server;
      'APISERVER/api_server_port':         value => $api_port;
      'APISERVER/contrail_extensions':     value => join($contrail_extensions, ',');
      'KEYSTONE/auth_url':                 value => $auth_url;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_user' :              value => $admin_user;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_tenant_name':        value => $admin_tenant_name;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_password':           value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
      'KEYSTONE/admin_token':              value => $admin_token, secret =>true;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_user':     value => $admin_user;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant':   value => $admin_tenant_name;
      'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_host':      value => $auth_host;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol':  value => $auth_protocol;
      'keystone_authtoken/auth_port':      value => $auth_port;