# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # == Class: tripleo::loadbalancer # # Configure an HAProxy/keepalived loadbalancer for TripleO. # # === Parameters: # # [*manage_vip*] # Whether to configure keepalived to manage the VIPs or not. # Defaults to true # # [*haproxy_service_manage*] # Will be passed as value for service_manage to HAProxy module. # Defaults to true # # [*haproxy_global_maxconn*] # The value to use as maxconn in the HAProxy global config section. # Defaults to 20480 # # [*haproxy_default_maxconn*] # The value to use as maxconn in the HAProxy default config section. # Defaults to 4096 # # [*haproxy_default_timeout*] # The value to use as timeout in the HAProxy default config section. # Defaults to [ 'http-request 10s', 'queue 1m', 'connect 10s', 'client 1m', 'server 1m', 'check 10s' ] # # [*haproxy_listen_bind_param*] # A list of params to be added to the HAProxy listener bind directive. By # default the 'transparent' param is added but it should be cleared if # one of the *_virtual_ip addresses is a wildcard, eg. # Defaults to [ 'transparent' ] # # [*haproxy_member_options*] # The default options to use for the HAProxy balancer members. # Defaults to [ 'check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5' ] # # [*haproxy_log_address*] # The IPv4, IPv6 or filesystem socket path of the syslog server. # Defaults to '/dev/log' # # [*controller_host*] # (Deprecated)Host or group of hosts to load-balance the services # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*controller_hosts*] # IPs of host or group of hosts to load-balance the services # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*controller_hosts_names*] # Names of host or group of hosts to load-balance the services # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*controller_virtual_ip*] # Control IP or group of IPs to bind the pools # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*control_virtual_interface*] # Interface to bind the control VIP # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*public_virtual_interface*] # Interface to bind the public VIP # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*public_virtual_ip*] # Public IP or group of IPs to bind the pools # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*internal_api_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the internal API network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*storage_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the storage network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*storage_mgmt_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the storage mgmt network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*haproxy_stats_user*] # Username for haproxy stats authentication. # A string. # Defaults to 'admin' # # [*haproxy_stats_password*] # Password for haproxy stats authentication. When set, authentication is # enabled on the haproxy stats endpoint. # A string. # Defaults to undef # # [*service_certificate*] # Filename of an HAProxy-compatible certificate and key file # When set, enables SSL on the public API endpoints using the specified file. # Defaults to undef # # [*internal_certificate*] # Filename of an HAProxy-compatible certificate and key file # When set, enables SSL on the internal API endpoints using the specified file. # Defaults to undef # # [*ssl_cipher_suite*] # The default string describing the list of cipher algorithms ("cipher suite") # that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake for all "bind" lines. This # value comes from the Fedora system crypto policy. # Defaults to '!SSLv2:kEECDH:kRSA:kEDH:kPSK:+3DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5:!EXP:!RC4:!SEED:!IDEA:!DES' # # [*ssl_options*] # String that sets the default ssl options to force on all "bind" lines. # Defaults to 'no-sslv3' # # [*haproxy_stats_certificate*] # Filename of an HAProxy-compatible certificate and key file # When set, enables SSL on the haproxy stats endpoint using the specified file. # Defaults to undef # # [*keystone_admin*] # (optional) Enable or not Keystone Admin API binding # Defaults to false # # [*keystone_public*] # (optional) Enable or not Keystone Public API binding # Defaults to false # # [*neutron*] # (optional) Enable or not Neutron API binding # Defaults to false # # [*cinder*] # (optional) Enable or not Cinder API binding # Defaults to false # # [*manila*] # (optional) Enable or not Manila API binding # Defaults to false # # [*sahara*] # (optional) Enable or not Sahara API binding # defaults to false # # [*trove*] # (optional) Enable or not Trove API binding # defaults to false # # [*glance_api*] # (optional) Enable or not Glance API binding # Defaults to false # # [*glance_registry*] # (optional) Enable or not Glance registry binding # Defaults to false # # [*nova_osapi*] # (optional) Enable or not Nova API binding # Defaults to false # # [*nova_metadata*] # (optional) Enable or not Nova metadata binding # Defaults to false # # [*nova_novncproxy*] # (optional) Enable or not Nova novncproxy binding # Defaults to false # # [*ceilometer*] # (optional) Enable or not Ceilometer API binding # Defaults to false # # [*aodh*] # (optional) Enable or not Aodh API binding # Defaults to false # # [*gnocchi*] # (optional) Enable or not Gnocchi API binding # Defaults to false # # [*swift_proxy_server*] # (optional) Enable or not Swift API binding # Defaults to false # # [*heat_api*] # (optional) Enable or not Heat API binding # Defaults to false # # [*heat_cloudwatch*] # (optional) Enable or not Heat Cloudwatch API binding # Defaults to false # # [*heat_cfn*] # (optional) Enable or not Heat CFN API binding # Defaults to false # # [*horizon*] # (optional) Enable or not Horizon dashboard binding # Defaults to false # # [*ironic*] # (optional) Enable or not Ironic API binding # Defaults to false # # [*mysql*] # (optional) Enable or not MySQL Galera binding # Defaults to false # # [*mysql_clustercheck*] # (optional) Enable check via clustercheck for mysql # Defaults to false # # [*rabbitmq*] # (optional) Enable or not RabbitMQ binding # Defaults to false # # [*redis*] # (optional) Enable or not Redis binding # Defaults to false # # [*redis_password*] # (optional) Password for Redis authentication, eventually needed by the # specific monitoring we do from HAProxy for Redis # Defaults to undef # # [*midonet_api*] # (optional) Enable or not MidoNet API binding # Defaults to false # # [*service_ports*] # (optional) Hash that contains the values to override from the service ports # The available keys to modify the services' ports are: # 'aodh_api_port' (Defaults to 8042) # 'aodh_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13042) # 'ceilometer_api_port' (Defaults to 8777) # 'ceilometer_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13777) # 'cinder_api_port' (Defaults to 8776) # 'cinder_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13776) # 'glance_api_port' (Defaults to 9292) # 'glance_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13292) # 'glance_registry_port' (Defaults to 9191) # 'gnocchi_api_port' (Defaults to 8041) # 'gnocchi_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13041) # 'heat_api_port' (Defaults to 8004) # 'heat_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13004) # 'heat_cfn_port' (Defaults to 8000) # 'heat_cfn_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13005) # 'heat_cw_port' (Defaults to 8003) # 'heat_cw_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13003) # 'ironic_api_port' (Defaults to 6385) # 'ironic_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13385) # 'keystone_admin_api_port' (Defaults to 35357) # 'keystone_admin_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13357) # 'keystone_public_api_port' (Defaults to 5000) # 'keystone_public_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13000) # 'manila_api_port' (Defaults to 8786) # 'manila_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13786) # 'neutron_api_port' (Defaults to 9696) # 'neutron_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13696) # 'nova_api_port' (Defaults to 8774) # 'nova_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13774) # 'nova_metadata_port' (Defaults to 8775) # 'nova_novnc_port' (Defaults to 6080) # 'nova_novnc_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13080) # 'sahara_api_port' (Defaults to 8386) # 'sahara_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13386) # 'swift_proxy_port' (Defaults to 8080) # 'swift_proxy_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13808) # 'trove_api_port' (Defaults to 8779) # 'trove_api_ssl_port' (Defaults to 13779) # Defaults to {} # class tripleo::loadbalancer ( $controller_virtual_ip, $control_virtual_interface, $public_virtual_interface, $public_virtual_ip, $internal_api_virtual_ip = false, $storage_virtual_ip = false, $storage_mgmt_virtual_ip = false, $manage_vip = true, $haproxy_service_manage = true, $haproxy_global_maxconn = 20480, $haproxy_default_maxconn = 4096, $haproxy_default_timeout = [ 'http-request 10s', 'queue 1m', 'connect 10s', 'client 1m', 'server 1m', 'check 10s' ], $haproxy_listen_bind_param = [ 'transparent' ], $haproxy_member_options = [ 'check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5' ], $haproxy_log_address = '/dev/log', $haproxy_stats_user = 'admin', $haproxy_stats_password = undef, $controller_host = undef, $controller_hosts = undef, $controller_hosts_names = undef, $service_certificate = undef, $internal_certificate = undef, $ssl_cipher_suite = '!SSLv2:kEECDH:kRSA:kEDH:kPSK:+3DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5:!EXP:!RC4:!SEED:!IDEA:!DES', $ssl_options = 'no-sslv3', $haproxy_stats_certificate = undef, $keystone_admin = false, $keystone_public = false, $neutron = false, $cinder = false, $sahara = false, $trove = false, $manila = false, $glance_api = false, $glance_registry = false, $nova_osapi = false, $nova_metadata = false, $nova_novncproxy = false, $ceilometer = false, $aodh = false, $gnocchi = false, $swift_proxy_server = false, $heat_api = false, $heat_cloudwatch = false, $heat_cfn = false, $horizon = false, $ironic = false, $mysql = false, $mysql_clustercheck = false, $rabbitmq = false, $redis = false, $redis_password = undef, $midonet_api = false, $service_ports = {} ) { warning('This class is going to be dropped during Newton cycle, replaced by tripleo::haproxy and tripleo::keepalived.') class { '::tripleo::haproxy': controller_virtual_ip => $controller_virtual_ip, public_virtual_ip => $public_virtual_ip, # Force to false because we already declare ::tripleo::keepalived later in this manifest to kep # old hieradata binding. keepalived => false, haproxy_service_manage => $haproxy_service_manage, haproxy_global_maxconn => $haproxy_global_maxconn, haproxy_default_maxconn => $haproxy_default_maxconn, haproxy_default_timeout => $haproxy_default_timeout, haproxy_listen_bind_param => $haproxy_listen_bind_param, haproxy_member_options => $haproxy_member_options, haproxy_log_address => $haproxy_log_address, haproxy_stats_user => $haproxy_stats_user, haproxy_stats_password => $haproxy_stats_password, controller_host => $controller_host, controller_hosts => $controller_hosts, controller_hosts_names => $controller_hosts_names, service_certificate => $service_certificate, internal_certificate => $internal_certificate, ssl_cipher_suite => $ssl_cipher_suite, ssl_options => $ssl_options, haproxy_stats_certificate => $haproxy_stats_certificate, keystone_admin => $keystone_admin, keystone_public => $keystone_public, neutron => $neutron, cinder => $cinder, sahara => $sahara, trove => $trove, manila => $manila, glance_api => $glance_api, glance_registry => $glance_registry, nova_osapi => $nova_osapi, nova_metadata => $nova_metadata, nova_novncproxy => $nova_novncproxy, ceilometer => $ceilometer, aodh => $aodh, gnocchi => $gnocchi, swift_proxy_server => $swift_proxy_server, heat_api => $heat_api, heat_cloudwatch => $heat_cloudwatch, heat_cfn => $heat_cfn, horizon => $horizon, ironic => $ironic, mysql => $mysql, mysql_clustercheck => $mysql_clustercheck, rabbitmq => $rabbitmq, redis => $redis, redis_password => $redis_password, midonet_api => $midonet_api, service_ports => $service_ports, } if $manage_vip { class { '::tripleo::keepalived': controller_virtual_ip => $controller_virtual_ip, control_virtual_interface => $public_virtual_interface, public_virtual_interface => $public_virtual_interface, public_virtual_ip => $public_virtual_ip, internal_api_virtual_ip => $internal_api_virtual_ip, storage_virtual_ip => $storage_virtual_ip, storage_mgmt_virtual_ip => $storage_mgmt_virtual_ip, } } }