# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # == Class: tripleo::keepalived # # Configure keepalived for TripleO. # # === Parameters: # # [*controller_virtual_ip*] # Control IP or group of IPs to bind the pools # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*control_virtual_interface*] # Interface to bind the control VIP # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*public_virtual_interface*] # Interface to bind the public VIP # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*public_virtual_ip*] # Public IP or group of IPs to bind the pools # Can be a string or an array. # Defaults to undef # # [*internal_api_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the internal API network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*storage_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the storage network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*storage_mgmt_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the storage mgmt network. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*redis_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the redis service. # A string. # Defaults to false # # [*ovndbs_virtual_ip*] # Virtual IP on the OVNDBs service. # A string. # Defaults to false # class tripleo::keepalived ( $controller_virtual_ip, $control_virtual_interface, $public_virtual_interface, $public_virtual_ip, $internal_api_virtual_ip = false, $storage_virtual_ip = false, $storage_mgmt_virtual_ip = false, $redis_virtual_ip = false, $ovndbs_virtual_ip = false, ) { case $::osfamily { 'RedHat': { $keepalived_name_is_process = false $keepalived_vrrp_script = 'systemctl status haproxy.service' } # RedHat 'Debian': { $keepalived_name_is_process = true $keepalived_vrrp_script = undef } default: { warning('Please configure keepalived defaults in tripleo::keepalived.') $keepalived_name_is_process = undef $keepalived_vrrp_script = undef } } class { '::keepalived': } keepalived::vrrp_script { 'haproxy': name_is_process => $keepalived_name_is_process, script => $keepalived_vrrp_script, } # KEEPALIVE INSTANCE CONTROL keepalived::instance { '51': interface => $control_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join([$controller_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $control_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } # KEEPALIVE INSTANCE PUBLIC keepalived::instance { '52': interface => $public_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join([$public_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $public_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } if $internal_api_virtual_ip and $internal_api_virtual_ip != $controller_virtual_ip { $internal_api_virtual_interface = interface_for_ip($internal_api_virtual_ip) if is_ipv6_address($internal_api_virtual_ip) { $internal_api_virtual_netmask = '64' } else { $internal_api_virtual_netmask = '32' } # KEEPALIVE INTERNAL API NETWORK keepalived::instance { '53': interface => $internal_api_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join(["${internal_api_virtual_ip}/${internal_api_virtual_netmask}", ' dev ', $internal_api_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } } if $storage_virtual_ip and $storage_virtual_ip != $controller_virtual_ip { $storage_virtual_interface = interface_for_ip($storage_virtual_ip) if is_ipv6_address($storage_virtual_ip) { $storage_virtual_netmask = '64' } else { $storage_virtual_netmask = '32' } # KEEPALIVE STORAGE NETWORK keepalived::instance { '54': interface => $storage_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join(["${storage_virtual_ip}/${storage_virtual_netmask}", ' dev ', $storage_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } } if $storage_mgmt_virtual_ip and $storage_mgmt_virtual_ip != $controller_virtual_ip { $storage_mgmt_virtual_interface = interface_for_ip($storage_mgmt_virtual_ip) if is_ipv6_address($storage_mgmt_virtual_ip) { $storage_mgmt_virtual_netmask = '64' } else { $storage_mgmt_virtual_netmask = '32' } # KEEPALIVE STORAGE MANAGEMENT NETWORK keepalived::instance { '55': interface => $storage_mgmt_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join(["${storage_mgmt_virtual_ip}/${storage_mgmt_virtual_netmask}", ' dev ', $storage_mgmt_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } } if $redis_virtual_ip and $redis_virtual_ip != $controller_virtual_ip { $redis_virtual_interface = interface_for_ip($redis_virtual_ip) if is_ipv6_address($redis_virtual_ip) { $redis_virtual_netmask = '64' } else { $redis_virtual_netmask = '32' } # KEEPALIVE STORAGE MANAGEMENT NETWORK keepalived::instance { '56': interface => $redis_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join(["${redis_virtual_ip}/${redis_virtual_netmask}", ' dev ', $redis_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } } if $ovndbs_virtual_ip and $ovndbs_virtual_ip != $controller_virtual_ip { $ovndbs_virtual_interface = interface_for_ip($ovndbs_virtual_ip) # KEEPALIVE OVNDBS MANAGEMENT NETWORK keepalived::instance { '57': interface => $ovndbs_virtual_interface, virtual_ips => [join([$ovndbs_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $ovndbs_virtual_interface])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } } }