module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:local_fence_devices, :arity =>2, :type => :rvalue, :doc => ("Given an array of fence device configs, limit them" + "to fence devices whose MAC address is present on" + "some of the local NICs, and prepare a hash which can be" + "passed to create_resources function")) do |args| agent = args[0] devices = args[1] unless agent.is_a?(String) && agent.length > 0 raise Puppet::ParseError, "local_fence_devices: Argument 'agent' must be a non-empty string. The value given was: #{agent_type}" end unless devices.is_a?(Array) raise Puppet::ParseError, "local_fence_devices: Argument 'devices' must be an array. The value given was: #{devices}" end # filter by agent type agent_type_devices = { |device| device['agent'] == agent } # filter by local mac address local_devices = do |device| function_has_interface_with(['macaddress', device['host_mac']]) end # construct a hash for create_resources return local_devices.each_with_object({}) do |device, hash| # disallow collisions if hash[device['host_mac']] raise Puppet::ParseError, "local_fence_devices: Only single fence device per agent per host is allowed. Collision on #{device['host_mac']} for #{agent}" end hash[device['host_mac']] = device['params'] || {} end end end