module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:honeycomb_int_role_mapping, :type => :rvalue, :doc => "Convert Honeycomb role mapping from kernel nic name (eth1) to VPP name (GigabitEthernet0/7/0).") do |arg| mapping_list = arg[0]! do |item| mapping = item.split(':') unless mapping.length == 2 raise Puppet::ParseError, "Invalid physnet mapping format: #{item}. Expecting 'interface_name:role_name'" end if defined? call_function vpp_int = call_function('hiera', [mapping[0]]) else vpp_int = function_hiera([mapping[0]]) end if vpp_int.to_s.strip.empty? raise Puppet::ParseError, "VPP interface mapped to #{mapping[0]} is not found." end vpp_int+':'+mapping[1] end return mapping_list end end