# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import logging import os import sys import yaml from os_net_config import impl_eni from os_net_config import impl_ifcfg from os_net_config import impl_iproute from os_net_config import objects from os_net_config import version logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse_opts(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Configure host network interfaces using a JSON' ' config file format.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', metavar='CONFIG_FILE', help="""path to the configuration file.""", default='/etc/os-net-config/config.yaml') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mapping-file', metavar='MAPPING_FILE', help="""path to the interface mapping file.""", default='/etc/os-net-config/mapping.yaml') parser.add_argument('-p', '--provider', metavar='PROVIDER', help="""The provider to use.""" """One of: ifcfg, eni, iproute.""", default=None) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', dest="debug", action='store_true', help="Print debugging output.", required=False) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action='store_true', help="Print verbose output.", required=False) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version.version_info.version_string()) parser.add_argument( '--noop', dest="noop", action='store_true', help="Return the configuration commands, without applying them.", required=False) parser.add_argument( '--cleanup', dest="cleanup", action='store_true', help="Cleanup unconfigured interfaces.", required=False) parser.add_argument( '--persist-mapping', dest="persist_mapping", action='store_true', help="Make aliases defined in the mapping file permanent " "(WARNING, permanently renames nics).", required=False) opts = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) return opts def configure_logger(verbose=False, debug=False): LOG_FORMAT = '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s' DATE_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p' log_level = logging.WARN if verbose: log_level = logging.INFO elif debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=DATE_FORMAT, level=log_level) def main(argv=sys.argv): opts = parse_opts(argv) configure_logger(opts.verbose, opts.debug) logger.info('Using config file at: %s' % opts.config_file) if opts.mapping_file: logger.info('Using mapping file at: %s' % opts.mapping_file) iface_array = [] provider = None if opts.provider: if opts.provider == 'ifcfg': provider = impl_ifcfg.IfcfgNetConfig(noop=opts.noop) elif opts.provider == 'eni': provider = impl_eni.ENINetConfig(noop=opts.noop) elif opts.provider == 'iproute': provider = impl_iproute.IPRouteNetConfig(noop=opts.noop) else: logger.error('Invalid provider specified.') return 1 else: if os.path.exists('/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/'): provider = impl_ifcfg.IfcfgNetConfig(noop=opts.noop) elif os.path.exists('/etc/network/'): provider = impl_eni.ENINetConfig(noop=opts.noop) else: logger.error('Unable to set provider for this operating system.') return 1 # Read config file containing network configs to apply if os.path.exists(opts.config_file): with open(opts.config_file) as cf: iface_array = yaml.load(cf.read()).get("network_config") logger.debug('network_config JSON: %s' % str(iface_array)) else: logger.error('No config file exists at: %s' % opts.config_file) return 1 if not isinstance(iface_array, list): logger.error('No interfaces defined in config: %s' % opts.config_file) return 1 # Read the interface mapping file, if it exists # This allows you to override the default network naming abstraction # mappings by specifying a specific nicN->name or nicN->MAC mapping if os.path.exists(opts.mapping_file): with open(opts.mapping_file) as cf: iface_map = yaml.load(cf.read()) iface_mapping = iface_map.get("interface_mapping") logger.debug('interface_mapping JSON: %s' % str(iface_mapping)) persist_mapping = opts.persist_mapping logger.debug('persist_mapping: %s' % persist_mapping) else: iface_mapping = None persist_mapping = False for iface_json in iface_array: iface_json.update({'nic_mapping': iface_mapping}) iface_json.update({'persist_mapping': persist_mapping}) obj = objects.object_from_json(iface_json) provider.add_object(obj) files_changed = provider.apply(cleanup=opts.cleanup) if opts.noop: for location, data in files_changed.iteritems(): print "File: %s\n" % location print data print "----" return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))