path: root/tox.ini
diff options
authorDan Prince <dprince@redhat.com>2014-06-06 12:27:50 -0400
committerDan Prince <dprince@redhat.com>2014-06-06 12:27:50 -0400
commit8d3dc898425810a3399a6c2718c35c536137b22e (patch)
tree8e923fdc34c3c65fe0f8eb99d76daa7ef1aa276f /tox.ini
Initial commit
Initial commit of the project layout
Diffstat (limited to 'tox.ini')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53aa727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+minversion = 1.6
+envlist = py26,py27,py33,pypy,pep8
+skipsdist = True
+usedevelop = True
+install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
+setenv =
+ VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+ -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
+commands = python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
+commands = flake8
+commands = {posargs}
+commands = python setup.py testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}'
+commands = python setup.py build_sphinx
+# H803 skipped on purpose per list discussion.
+# E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
+show-source = True
+ignore = E123,E125,H803
+builtins = _
+exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*openstack/common*,*lib/python*,*egg,build \ No newline at end of file