--- schema: 'drydock/HardwareProfile/v1' metadata: schema: 'metadata/Document/v1' name: intel-pod10 layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: site storagePolicy: cleartext data: # Vendor of the server chassis vendor: Intel # Generation of the chassis model generation: '4' # Version of the chassis model within its generation - not version of the hardware definition hw_version: '3' # The certified version of the chassis BIOS bios_version: 'SE5C610.86B.01.01.0019.101220160604' # Mode of the default boot of hardware - bios, uefi boot_mode: bios # Protocol of boot of the hardware - pxe, usb, hdd bootstrap_protocol: pxe # Which interface to use for network booting within the OOB manager, not OS device pxe_interface: 0 # Map hardware addresses to aliases/roles to allow a mix of hardware configs # in a site to result in a consistent configuration device_aliases: ## network # $ sudo lspci |grep -i ethernet # 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01) # 02:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01) # 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) # 04:00.3 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01) # control networks # eno1 ctrl_nic1: address: '0000:04:00.0' dev_type: 'I350 Gigabit Network Connection' bus_type: 'pci' # eno2 ctrl_nic2: address: '0000:04:00.3' dev_type: 'I350 Gigabit Network Connection' bus_type: 'pci' # data networks # eno3 data_nic1: address: '0000:02:00.0' dev_type: '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' bus_type: 'pci' # eno4 data_nic2: address: '0000:02:00.1' dev_type: '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' bus_type: 'pci' ## storage # $ sudo lshw -c disk # *-disk # description: ATA Disk # product: ST3000NM0033-9ZM # vendor: Seagate # physical id: 0.0.0 # bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0 # logical name: /dev/sda # version: SN04 # serial: S1Z1NT3V # size: 2794GiB (3TB) # capabilities: gpt-1.00 partitioned partitioned:gpt # configuration: ansiversion=5 guid=911eca8f-824e-4dc4-bcce-9005cc9a24d7 logicalsectorsize=512 sectorsize=512 # *-disk # description: ATA Disk # product: INTEL SSDSC2BW18 # physical id: 0.0.0 # bus info: scsi@1:0.0.0 # logical name: /dev/sdb # version: RG20 # serial: CVTR517302RG180BGN # size: 167GiB (180GB) # capabilities: gpt-1.00 partitioned partitioned:gpt # configuration: ansiversion=5 guid=a4963ed8-81e6-415f-a3cf-4254da4fb3ca logicalsectorsize=512 sectorsize=512 # /dev/sda bootdisk: address: '0:0.0.0' dev_type: 'ST3000NM0033-9ZM' bus_type: 'scsi' # /dev/sdb datadisk: address: '1:0.0.0' dev_type: 'SSDSC2BW18' bus_type: 'scsi' cpu_sets: kvm: '4-43,48-87' hugepages: dpdk: size: '1G' count: 32 ...