# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import time from neutronclient.common.exceptions import PortNotFoundClient from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest from snaps.config.vm_inst import VmInstanceConfig, FloatingIpConfig from snaps.openstack.openstack_creator import OpenStackComputeObject from snaps.openstack.utils import glance_utils, cinder_utils, settings_utils from snaps.openstack.utils import neutron_utils from snaps.openstack.utils import nova_utils from snaps.provisioning import ansible_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('create_instance') POLL_INTERVAL = 3 STATUS_ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE' STATUS_DELETED = 'DELETED' class OpenStackVmInstance(OpenStackComputeObject): """ Class responsible for managing a VM instance in OpenStack """ def __init__(self, os_creds, instance_settings, image_settings, keypair_settings=None): """ Constructor :param os_creds: The connection credentials to the OpenStack API :param instance_settings: Contains the settings for this VM :param image_settings: The OpenStack image object settings :param keypair_settings: The keypair metadata (Optional) :raises Exception """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(os_creds) self.__neutron = None self.instance_settings = instance_settings self.image_settings = image_settings self.keypair_settings = keypair_settings self.__floating_ip_dict = dict() # Instantiated in self.create() self.__ports = list() # Note: this object does not change after the VM becomes active self.__vm = None def initialize(self): """ Loads the existing VMInst, Port, FloatingIps :return: VMInst domain object """ super(self.__class__, self).initialize() self.__neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(self._os_creds) self.__ports = self.__query_ports(self.instance_settings.port_settings) self.__lookup_existing_vm_by_name() def create(self, block=False): """ Creates a VM instance and associated objects unless they already exist :param block: Thread will block until instance has either become active, error, or timeout waiting. Additionally, when True, floating IPs will not be applied until VM is active. :return: VMInst domain object """ self.initialize() if len(self.__ports) == 0: self.__ports = self.__create_ports( self.instance_settings.port_settings) if not self.__vm: self.__create_vm(block) return self.__vm def __lookup_existing_vm_by_name(self): """ Populates the member variables 'self.vm' and 'self.floating_ips' if a VM with the same name already exists within the project """ server = nova_utils.get_server( self._nova, vm_inst_settings=self.instance_settings) if server: if server.name == self.instance_settings.name: self.__vm = server logger.info( 'Found existing machine with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) fips = neutron_utils.get_floating_ips(self.__neutron, self.__ports) for port_id, fip in fips: settings = self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings for fip_setting in settings: if port_id == fip_setting.port_id: self.__floating_ip_dict[fip_setting.name] = fip else: port = neutron_utils.get_port_by_id( self.__neutron, port_id) if port and port.name == fip_setting.port_name: self.__floating_ip_dict[fip_setting.name] = fip def __create_vm(self, block=False): """ Responsible for creating the VM instance :param block: Thread will block until instance has either become active, error, or timeout waiting. Floating IPs will be assigned after active when block=True """ glance = glance_utils.glance_client(self._os_creds) self.__vm = nova_utils.create_server( self._nova, self.__neutron, glance, self.instance_settings, self.image_settings, self.keypair_settings) logger.info('Created instance with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) if block: if not self.vm_active(block=True): raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Fatal error, VM did not become ACTIVE within the alloted ' 'time') # Create server should do this but found it needed to occur here for sec_grp_name in self.instance_settings.security_group_names: if self.vm_active(block=True): nova_utils.add_security_group(self._nova, self.__vm, sec_grp_name) else: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Cannot applying security group with name ' + sec_grp_name + ' to VM that did not activate with name - ' + self.instance_settings.name) if self.instance_settings.volume_names: for volume_name in self.instance_settings.volume_names: cinder = cinder_utils.cinder_client(self._os_creds) volume = cinder_utils.get_volume( cinder, volume_name=volume_name) if volume and self.vm_active(block=True): timeout = 30 vm = nova_utils.attach_volume( self._nova, self.__vm, volume, timeout) if vm: self.__vm = vm else: logger.warn('Volume [%s] not attached within timeout ' 'of [%s]', volume.name, timeout) else: logger.warn('Unable to attach volume named [%s]', volume_name) self.__apply_floating_ips() def __apply_floating_ips(self): """ Applies the configured floating IPs to the necessary ports """ port_dict = dict() for key, port in self.__ports: port_dict[key] = port # Apply floating IPs for floating_ip_setting in self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings: self.add_floating_ip(floating_ip_setting) def add_floating_ip(self, floating_ip_setting): """ Adds a floating IP to a running instance :param floating_ip_setting - the floating IP configuration """ port_dict = dict() for key, port in self.__ports: port_dict[key] = port # Apply floating IP port = port_dict.get(floating_ip_setting.port_name) if not port: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Cannot find port object with name - ' + floating_ip_setting.port_name) # Setup Floating IP only if there is a router with an external # gateway ext_gateway = self.__ext_gateway_by_router( floating_ip_setting.router_name) if ext_gateway: subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet( self.__neutron, subnet_name=floating_ip_setting.subnet_name) floating_ip = neutron_utils.create_floating_ip( self.__neutron, ext_gateway) self.__floating_ip_dict[floating_ip_setting.name] = floating_ip logger.info( 'Created floating IP %s via router - %s', floating_ip.ip, floating_ip_setting.router_name) self.__add_floating_ip(floating_ip, port, subnet) else: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Unable to add floating IP to port, cannot locate router ' 'with an external gateway ') def __ext_gateway_by_router(self, router_name): """ Returns network name for the external network attached to a router or None if not found :param router_name: The name of the router to lookup :return: the external network name or None """ router = neutron_utils.get_router( self.__neutron, router_name=router_name) if router and router.external_network_id: network = neutron_utils.get_network_by_id( self.__neutron, router.external_network_id) if network: return network.name return None def clean(self): """ Destroys the VM instance """ # Cleanup floating IPs for name, floating_ip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): try: logger.info('Deleting Floating IP - ' + floating_ip.ip) neutron_utils.delete_floating_ip(self.__neutron, floating_ip) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error deleting Floating IP - ' + str(e)) self.__floating_ip_dict = dict() # Detach Volume for volume_rec in self.__vm.volume_ids: cinder = cinder_utils.cinder_client(self._os_creds) volume = cinder_utils.get_volume_by_id(cinder, volume_rec['id']) if volume: try: vm = nova_utils.detach_volume( self._nova, self.__vm, volume, 30) if vm: self.__vm = vm else: logger.warn( 'Timeout waiting to detach volume %s', volume.name) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unexpected error detaching volume %s ' 'with error %s', volume.name, e) else: logger.warn('Unable to detach volume with ID - [%s]', volume_rec['id']) # Cleanup ports for name, port in self.__ports: logger.info('Deleting Port with ID - %s ', port.id) try: neutron_utils.delete_port(self.__neutron, port) except PortNotFoundClient as e: logger.warning('Unexpected error deleting port - %s', e) pass self.__ports = list() # Cleanup VM if self.__vm: try: logger.info( 'Deleting VM instance - ' + self.instance_settings.name) nova_utils.delete_vm_instance(self._nova, self.__vm) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error deleting VM - %s', e) # Block until instance cannot be found or returns the status of # DELETED logger.info('Checking deletion status') try: if self.vm_deleted(block=True): logger.info( 'VM has been properly deleted VM with name - %s', self.instance_settings.name) self.__vm = None else: logger.error( 'VM not deleted within the timeout period of %s ' 'seconds', self.instance_settings.vm_delete_timeout) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'Unexpected error while checking VM instance status - %s', e) def __query_ports(self, port_settings): """ Returns the previously configured ports or an empty list if none exist :param port_settings: A list of PortSetting objects :return: a list of OpenStack port tuples where the first member is the port name and the second is the port object """ ports = list() for port_setting in port_settings: port = neutron_utils.get_port( self.__neutron, port_settings=port_setting) if port: ports.append((port_setting.name, port)) return ports def __create_ports(self, port_settings): """ Returns the previously configured ports or creates them if they do not exist :param port_settings: A list of PortSetting objects :return: a list of OpenStack port tuples where the first member is the port name and the second is the port object """ ports = list() for port_setting in port_settings: port = neutron_utils.get_port( self.__neutron, port_settings=port_setting) if not port: port = neutron_utils.create_port( self.__neutron, self._os_creds, port_setting) if port: ports.append((port_setting.name, port)) return ports def __add_floating_ip(self, floating_ip, port, subnet, timeout=30, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns True when active else False TODO - Make timeout and poll_interval configurable... """ ip = None if subnet: # Take IP of subnet if there is one configured on which to place # the floating IP for fixed_ip in port.ips: if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] == subnet.id: ip = fixed_ip['ip_address'] break else: # Simply take the first ip = port.ips[0]['ip_address'] if ip: count = timeout / poll_interval while count > 0: logger.debug('Attempting to add floating IP to instance') try: nova_utils.add_floating_ip_to_server( self._nova, self.__vm, floating_ip, ip) logger.info( 'Added floating IP %s to port IP %s on instance %s', floating_ip.ip, ip, self.instance_settings.name) return except BadRequest as bre: logger.error('Cannot add floating IP [%s]', bre) raise except Exception as e: logger.debug( 'Retry adding floating IP to instance. Last attempt ' 'failed with - %s', e) time.sleep(poll_interval) count -= 1 pass else: raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Unable find IP address on which to place the floating IP') logger.error('Timeout attempting to add the floating IP to instance.') raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Timeout while attempting add floating IP to instance') def get_os_creds(self): """ Returns the OpenStack credentials used to create these objects :return: the credentials """ return self._os_creds def get_vm_inst(self): """ Returns the latest version of this server object from OpenStack :return: Server object """ return nova_utils.get_server_object_by_id(self._nova, self.__vm.id) def get_console_output(self): """ Returns the vm console object for parsing logs :return: the console output object """ return nova_utils.get_server_console_output(self._nova, self.__vm) def get_port_ip(self, port_name, subnet_name=None): """ Returns the first IP for the port corresponding with the port_name parameter when subnet_name is None else returns the IP address that corresponds to the subnet_name parameter :param port_name: the name of the port from which to return the IP :param subnet_name: the name of the subnet attached to this IP :return: the IP or None if not found """ port = self.get_port_by_name(port_name) if port: if subnet_name: subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet( self.__neutron, subnet_name=subnet_name) if not subnet: logger.warning('Cannot retrieve port IP as subnet could ' 'not be located with name - %s', subnet_name) return None for fixed_ip in port.ips: if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] == subnet.id: return fixed_ip['ip_address'] else: if port.ips and len(port.ips) > 0: return port.ips[0]['ip_address'] return None def get_port_mac(self, port_name): """ Returns the first IP for the port corresponding with the port_name parameter TODO - Add in the subnet as an additional parameter as a port may have multiple fixed_ips :param port_name: the name of the port from which to return the IP :return: the IP or None if not found """ port = self.get_port_by_name(port_name) if port: return port.mac_address return None def get_port_by_name(self, port_name): """ Retrieves the OpenStack port object by its given name :param port_name: the name of the port :return: the OpenStack port object or None if not exists """ for key, port in self.__ports: if key == port_name: return port logger.warning('Cannot find port with name - ' + port_name) return None def get_vm_info(self): """ Returns a dictionary of a VMs info as returned by OpenStack :return: a dict() """ return nova_utils.get_server_info(self._nova, self.__vm) def config_nics(self): """ Responsible for configuring NICs on RPM systems where the instance has more than one configured port :return: the value returned by ansible_utils.apply_ansible_playbook() """ if len(self.__ports) > 1 and len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: if self.vm_active(block=True) and self.vm_ssh_active(block=True): for key, port in self.__ports: port_index = self.__ports.index((key, port)) if port_index > 0: nic_name = 'eth' + repr(port_index) retval = self.__config_nic( nic_name, port, self.__get_first_provisioning_floating_ip().ip) logger.info('Configured NIC - %s on VM - %s', nic_name, self.instance_settings.name) return retval def __get_first_provisioning_floating_ip(self): """ Returns the first floating IP tagged with the Floating IP name if exists else the first one found :return: """ for floating_ip_setting in self.instance_settings.floating_ip_settings: if floating_ip_setting.provisioning: fip = self.__floating_ip_dict.get(floating_ip_setting.name) if fip: return fip elif len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: for key, fip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): return fip # When cannot be found above if len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: for key, fip in self.__floating_ip_dict.items(): return fip def __config_nic(self, nic_name, port, ip): """ Although ports/NICs can contain multiple IPs, this code currently only supports the first. :param nic_name: Name of the interface :param port: The port information containing the expected IP values. :param ip: The IP on which to apply the playbook. :return: the return value from ansible """ port_ip = port.ips[0]['ip_address'] variables = { 'floating_ip': ip, 'nic_name': nic_name, 'nic_ip': port_ip } if self.image_settings.nic_config_pb_loc and self.keypair_settings: return self.apply_ansible_playbook( self.image_settings.nic_config_pb_loc, variables) else: logger.warning( 'VM %s cannot self configure NICs eth1++. No playbook or ' 'keypairs found.', self.instance_settings.name) def apply_ansible_playbook(self, pb_file_loc, variables=None, fip_name=None): """ Applies a playbook to a VM :param pb_file_loc: the file location of the playbook to be applied :param variables: a dict() of substitution values required by the playbook :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to use for applying the playbook (default - will take the first) :return: the return value from ansible """ return ansible_utils.apply_playbook( pb_file_loc, [self.get_floating_ip(fip_name=fip_name).ip], self.get_image_user(), self.keypair_settings.private_filepath, variables, self._os_creds.proxy_settings) def get_image_user(self): """ Returns the instance sudo_user if it has been configured in the instance_settings else it returns the image_settings.image_user value """ if self.instance_settings.sudo_user: return self.instance_settings.sudo_user else: return self.image_settings.image_user def vm_deleted(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of expected_status_code or instance retrieval throws a NotFound exception. :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ try: return self.__vm_status_check( STATUS_DELETED, block, self.instance_settings.vm_delete_timeout, poll_interval) except NotFound as e: logger.debug( "Instance not found when querying status for %s with message " "%s", STATUS_DELETED, e) return True def vm_active(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of the constant STATUS_ACTIVE :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ if self.__vm_status_check( STATUS_ACTIVE, block, self.instance_settings.vm_boot_timeout, poll_interval): self.__vm = nova_utils.get_server_object_by_id( self._nova, self.__vm.id) return True return False def __vm_status_check(self, expected_status_code, block, timeout, poll_interval): """ Returns true when the VM status returns the value of expected_status_code :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param timeout: The timeout value :param poll_interval: The polling interval in seconds :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for VM status change if block: start = time.time() else: return self.__status(expected_status_code) while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self.__status(expected_status_code) if status: logger.info('VM is - ' + expected_status_code) return True logger.debug('Retry querying VM status in ' + str( poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('VM status query timeout in ' + str( timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error( 'Timeout checking for VM status for ' + expected_status_code) return False def __status(self, expected_status_code): """ Returns True when active else False :param expected_status_code: instance status evaluated with this string value :return: T/F """ if not self.__vm: if expected_status_code == STATUS_DELETED: return True else: return False status = nova_utils.get_server_status(self._nova, self.__vm) if not status: logger.warning('Cannot find instance with id - ' + self.__vm.id) return False if status == 'ERROR': raise VmInstanceCreationError( 'Instance had an error during deployment') logger.debug( 'Instance status [%s] is - %s', self.instance_settings.name, status) return status == expected_status_code def vm_ssh_active(self, block=False, poll_interval=POLL_INTERVAL): """ Returns true when the VM can be accessed via SSH :param block: When true, thread will block until active or timeout value in seconds has been exceeded (False) :param poll_interval: The polling interval :return: T/F """ # sleep and wait for VM status change logger.info('Checking if VM is active') timeout = self.instance_settings.ssh_connect_timeout if self.vm_active(block=True): if block: start = time.time() else: start = time.time() - timeout while timeout > time.time() - start: status = self.__ssh_active() if status: logger.info('SSH is active for VM instance') return True logger.debug('Retry SSH connection in ' + str( poll_interval) + ' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) logger.debug('SSH connection timeout in ' + str( timeout - (time.time() - start))) logger.error('Timeout attempting to connect with VM via SSH') return False def __ssh_active(self): """ Returns True when can create a SSH session else False :return: T/F """ if len(self.__floating_ip_dict) > 0: ssh = self.ssh_client() if ssh: ssh.close() return True return False def get_floating_ip(self, fip_name=None): """ Returns the floating IP object byt name if found, else the first known, else None :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to return :return: the SSH client or None """ if fip_name and self.__floating_ip_dict.get(fip_name): return self.__floating_ip_dict.get(fip_name) else: return self.__get_first_provisioning_floating_ip() def ssh_client(self, fip_name=None): """ Returns an SSH client using the name or the first known floating IP if exists, else None :param fip_name: the name of the floating IP to return :return: the SSH client or None """ fip = self.get_floating_ip(fip_name) if fip: return ansible_utils.ssh_client( self.__get_first_provisioning_floating_ip().ip, self.get_image_user(), self.keypair_settings.private_filepath, proxy_settings=self._os_creds.proxy_settings) else: FloatingIPAllocationError( 'Cannot return an SSH client. No Floating IP configured') def add_security_group(self, security_group): """ Adds a security group to this VM. Call will block until VM is active. :param security_group: the SNAPS SecurityGroup domain object :return True if successful else False """ self.vm_active(block=True) if not security_group: logger.warning('Security group object is None, cannot add') return False try: nova_utils.add_security_group(self._nova, self.get_vm_inst(), security_group.name) return True except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Security group not added - ' + str(e)) return False def remove_security_group(self, security_group): """ Removes a security group to this VM. Call will block until VM is active :param security_group: the OpenStack security group object :return True if successful else False """ self.vm_active(block=True) if not security_group: logger.warning('Security group object is None, cannot remove') return False try: nova_utils.remove_security_group(self._nova, self.get_vm_inst(), security_group) return True except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Security group not removed - ' + str(e)) return False def generate_creator(os_creds, vm_inst, image_config, keypair_config=None): """ Initializes an OpenStackVmInstance object :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param vm_inst: the SNAPS-OO VmInst domain object :param image_config: the associated ImageConfig object :param keypair_config: the associated KeypairConfig object (optional) :return: an initialized OpenStackVmInstance object """ nova = nova_utils.nova_client(os_creds) neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(os_creds) derived_inst_config = settings_utils.create_vm_inst_config( nova, neutron, vm_inst) derived_inst_creator = OpenStackVmInstance( os_creds, derived_inst_config, image_config, keypair_config) derived_inst_creator.initialize() return derived_inst_creator class VmInstanceSettings(VmInstanceConfig): """ Deprecated, use snaps.config.vm_inst.VmInstanceConfig instead """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn('Use snaps.config.vm_inst.VmInstanceConfig instead', DeprecationWarning) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs) class FloatingIpSettings(FloatingIpConfig): """ Deprecated, use snaps.config.vm_inst.FloatingIpConfig instead """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn('Use snaps.config.vm_inst.FloatingIpConfig instead', DeprecationWarning) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs) class VmInstanceCreationError(Exception): """ Exception to be thrown when an VM instance cannot be created """ class FloatingIPAllocationError(Exception): """ Exception to be thrown when an VM instance cannot allocate a floating IP """