.. _opnfv-installation: .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. (c) Anuket CCC, AT&T, and other contributors ============ Installation ============ Abstract ======== This is the collection of installation documents for Anuket, please use this document for further reference. Installation procedures ======================= Each of the sub-projects and test frameworks have their separate installations procedures in their individual documentation. - :ref:`Barometer Installation Guide ` - :ref:`CIRV-SDV Installation Guide ` - :ref:`Kuberef Installation Guide ` - :ref:`ViNePERF installation Guide ` - :doc:`Functest Installation Guide ` Anuket Test Frameworks ====================== Testing can be started after the installation of the test frameworks. The basic deployment validation only addresses some of the generic capabilities of cloud infrastructures. To run more exhaustive tests some investigation will be required to select the right test suites to run. Many of the Anuket test projects provide user-guide documentation and installation instructions in :ref:`this document ` Anuket Specifications ===================== There is no need to "install" the Anuket Reference Specifications! You can view them here: * :doc:`Anuket Specifications `