(function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('moon') .controller('PolicyEditController', PolicyEditController); PolicyEditController.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'policy', 'modelService']; function PolicyEditController($scope, $rootScope, policy, modelService) { var edit = this; edit.policy = policy; edit.editBasic = false; edit.showPerimeters = false; edit.showData = false; edit.showRules = false; edit.showAssignments = false; activate(); function activate(){ manageModel(); } function manageModel(){ edit.loadingModel = true; modelService.findOneWithCallback( edit.policy.model_id, function(model){ edit.loadingModel = false; edit.policy.model = model; }); } /* * ---- events */ var rootListeners = { 'event:policyUpdatedSuccess': $rootScope.$on('event:policyUpdatedSuccess', policyUpdatedSuccess) }; for (var unbind in rootListeners) { $scope.$on('$destroy', rootListeners[unbind]); } /** * When the model is updated, this function refresh the current model with the new changes * @param event * @param policy */ function policyUpdatedSuccess(event, policy){ edit.policy = policy; manageModel(); } } })();